International Collaborations in Nuclear Theory: Theory for open-shell nuclei near the limits of stability

Scott K. Bogner (NSCL/Michigan State University), Morten Hjorth-Jensen (NSCL/Michigan State University) and Jason D. Holt (TRIUMF)



May 11-29, 2015, Michigan State University and FRIB/NSCL

Venue: Lecture Hall at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory/Nuclear Theory Conference Room

We meet all at the Theory Trailer (Trailer nr. 7) on the eastern side of the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (640 South Shaw Lane on the MSU campus). We meet at 8.30am at the Theory Trailer for registration. Coffee plus light refreshments are served. Thereafter we walk over to the NSCL Lecture Hall. The third week all talks will be in Nuclear Theory Conference Room in the theory trailer. Lectures start at 9am all days. The Theory Trailer is located close the construction site of the new NSCL/FRIB building (you will see a series of trailers). The Theory Trailer is the one closest to the Wharton Center for performing arts at MSU and Bogue street. From the Town Place hotel it is a walk of at most 20-25 min.

Recording of lectures and live streaming

For those of you who cannot attend the lectures, these are streamed live (access only for people at the NCSL). The link to the website is

Program first week May 11-15 2015, Lecture hall NSCL

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9am-10am Andreas Ekstrom (ORNL/UTK) Takaharu Otsuka (Tokyo) Artemisia Spyrou (MSU) Alex Gezerlis (Guelph) Mihai Horoi (CMU)
Constraining the Description of the Nuclear Interaction Clustering, Shapes and Nuclear Transmutation studied by the Monte Carlo Shell Model Using beta-decays to constrain (n,g) reaction cross sections on short lived nuclei Quantum Monte Carlo calculations with chiral two- and three-nucleon forces Nuclear structure for tests of fundamental symmetries
10.0am-10.30am Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
10.30am-11.30am Heiko Hergert (MSU) Alexandra Gade (MSU) Yutaka Utsuno (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Heather Crawford (LBNL) Gustav Jansen (UTK/ORNL)
Effective interactions and operators from IM-SRG Nuclear spectroscopy of exotic nuclei Probing shell evolution with large-scale shell-model calculations Neutron Knockout to Probe Single Particle Occupancies in the Ca Isotopes Effective interactions and operators from coupled-cluster theory
11.30am-2pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
2pm-3.30pm Discussions Discussions Discussions Joel Lynn (LANL) Discussions
Green's function Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei with two- and three-nucleon interactions
3.30pm-4pm Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
4pm-6pm Discussions Discussions Discussions Discussions Discussions

Program second week May 18-22 2015, Lecture Hall NSCL

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9am-10am Jimmy Rotureau (ORNL/MSU) Hossein Mahzoon (St Louis) Robert Roth (Darmstadt) Bruce Barrett (UA) Marcella Grasso (Orsay)
Towards optical potentials from coupled cluster theory Dispersive Optical Model News from ab initio theory Microscopic shell-model calculations in the \( sd \)-shell Beyond-mean-field corrections and effective interactions
10am-11am George Papadimitriou (ISU) Zach Kohley (MSU) Titus Morris (MSU) Angelo Calci (TRIUMF) Thomas Duguet (Saclay)
Structure and Reactions of nuclei using complex energy formalisms Structure and Decay of Neutron Unbound Systems Recent advances in IM-SRG SRG Evolved Chiral NN+3N Interactions in ab initio Nuclear Structure Non-observable nature of nuclear shell structure: meaning, illustrations, and consequences
11am-11.30am Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
11.30am-12.30pm Alexander Volya (FSU) Kevin Fossez (MSU) Kai Hebeler (Darmstadt) James Vary (ISU) Ragnar Stroberg (TRIUMF)
Shell-model approach to nuclear clustering Recent progress in the Gamow shell model Neutron-rich matter and chiral EFT interactions at N3LO Recent advances and new perspectives for the no-core shell model Ab initio shell model with IM-SRG
12.30pm-2pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
2pm-3.30pm Discussions Discussions Discussions Discussions Discussions
3.30pm-4pm Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
4pm-6pm Discussions Discussions Discussions Discussions Discussions

Program third week May 25-29 2015, Conference Room Theory Trailer

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9am-10am Luigi Coraggio (INFN, Naples) Calvin Johnson (UCSD) Pieter Maris (ISU) Kazuo Takayanagi (Tokyo) Frederic Nowacki (Strasbourg)
A new double-step procedure for the derivation of effective shell-model hamiltonians Large scale shell model calculations for open shell nuclei Neutrons in a trap with chiral interactions Inverse scattering problem and generalized optical theorem and Effective interaction in the Rayleigh-Schroedinger PT Shell-model far from stability
10am-10.30am Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
10.30am-11.30am Toshio Suzuki (Tokyo) Kamila Sieja (Strasbourg) Robert Grzywacz (ORNL/UTK) Nunzio Itaco (Naples) Naofumi Tsunoda (Tokyo)
Evaluation of nuclear weak rates relevant to astrophysical applications Shell evolution and collectivity in model spaces above 78Ni and 132Sn cores Experimental studies of the deeply bound states Present status of perturbative calculation of effective shell-model hamiltonians Neutron-rich nuclei from the nuclear force
11.30am-2pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
2pm-3.30pm Houda Naidja (Strasbourg) Discussions Discussions Discussions Discussions
New Advances in the Shell Model Calculations: Applications around doubly magic Nuclei Ca40 and Sn132
3.30pm-4pm Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
4pm-6pm Discussions Discussions Discussions Discussions Discussions